Saturday, May 18, 2013


The view from my window
Ray, the pet lemur


A lizard I found in my hut

A family hut

Maventibao Village

I have spent the last week in Maventibao Village!  It has been quite an experience.  I rode the taxi brousse from Diego Suarez to Abutymufa, which is definitely a day trip!  The taxi brousse, which is basically a bus, fills up with as many people as it can before it makes the 3-hour journey to Abutymufa.  I then had a 5-mile uphill hike to Maventibao.  I enjoyed the scenery during the hike, and even crossed a creek in which we had to look out for crocodiles.  Nono assured me that they usually see the crocodiles in the early morning, so we should not have to worry.

I finally made it to the village and am enjoying my time there.  I am living in a hut and have a beautiful view from my window.  Maventibao is located in the mountains and the view of the mountains is absolutely gorgeous.  I have been enjoying the simplicity that Maventibao offers.  I hardly look at my watch and basically have no Internet access in the village.  There is a small hike to the stream, where you can get fresh water.  I enjoy the hike because you occasionally see a chameleon or snake, not to mention that you can see miles of nothing but untouched land.  I feel as though Maventibao is the ideal village.  They have access to clean water, there is a clinic nearby, and a school just opened up.  The clinic and school are free and from what I gather from my conversation from one of the villagers, the people seem very happy to live in Maventibao. 

I am also enjoying my time in the clinic.  There are two UK medical students (practically doctors) here.  It has been great shadowing them, as well as Daniel, who has been working at the clinic for the past two years.  I feel as though I have been learning so much!  On Wednesday and Friday we travel to other villages 3-5 miles away, and it is quite a walk!  I enjoy the hike, but could do without the thorns that get stuck in your feet like splinters that come from walking through the brush! 

I am currently in Diego Suarez, about to visit the Amber Mountains.  I am excited to camp there and hope to see some more wildlife! 


  1. Keep us informed Toodles and remember that there is someone in Atwater California that loves you. So proud of you. God bless!

  2. So happy to hear that things are going well for you girl, miss you tons.!! :)

