Thursday, May 9, 2013

Taking Flight!

I cannot believe that the time has finally come and I am actually leaving for Madagascar!  I have been planning for over a year for this journey to happen, and it has shown through to be a success!  During my time in Madagascar I will be living in a hut in the rural village of Maventibao, located on the Northern tip of Madagascar.  During my time in Maventibao, I will be interning in a clinic, taking self-directed study, and researching preventative health care.  It has been a dream of mine for a while now to one day work in a clinic that provides rural communities access to healthcare, and I have become more and more passionate about preventative health education.  This is the perfect opportunity to gain an insider's look!  Not only will I get to learn the details of how a clinic operates, I hope to build relationships with the villagers and hear their story (I will be learning the basics of Malagasy thanks to Amanda!).    

But before I head to the village I will be staying at, my plane will arrive in Tana, the capital city.  I am so thankful to have met Ando, Suzanne and Jean-Paul!  Because of them, I now have the opportunity of staying with Ando's family when I arrive to Tana.  I am so happy that I get to meet Ando's family and am thankful for their generosity in letting me stay with them for a few days. I am looking forward to seeing a little bit of the city before I head off to my village! Toky, Ando’s brother, has been so kind to offer to show me around Tana.

I am so excited for what is to come, and know that there will be, as with every trip, unexpected challenges.  I hope that I will take them as opportunities for growth.  I learned during my time on Semester at Sea that you have a choice when it comes to deciding whether the challenges you face are either part of a big adventure or an ordeal.  I hope that this lesson will carry through during my stay. My heart is filled with so much joy and I am looking forward to see what this journey will bring.  

I have never written a blog before, but I am going to try really hard to write weekly on my experience!  Thank you for reading!

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